Sunday, October 10, 2010

Confession of A Princess

I know sometimes I always jump into some worst case scenario, thinking that letting go/giving up is the best solution for the current situation. I can never scratch that silly thought out of my mind in the past, but things are really different this time.

There are so many things to remind me how important you are. There are just too many memories that will make me smile to myself when I am flashing back.

I know things will work out through sharing, just like it always does. Walking through all these together, being honest to each other and understanding everything that either one is going through, all the feelings, be it positive or negative.

Listening to your voice is the best cure to the relapse of my phobia. I just hope we can make it through this time without getting into any fight, like how we go through our problems in the last 4 months. Smile is the thing that we brought to each other, I hope we won't lose it, and not having a smile when we go to sleep is so not in our dictionary.

Maybe, you will be asking, why post something so personal? Yea, it is personal, but can serve as a reminder to many people reading this post that, there is still one more thing before jumping into any conclusion or making any heartbreaking decision, ie:


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