Friday, October 15, 2010

Acne, Jealousy, WHATEVER!

Sleeping less than 5 hours a day is seriously no joke. Pimple start crawling up my forehead, multiplying there and forming colonies there. They are so special that they can only survive in dessert where there is no water supply. The more my skin dehydrate due to staying in freezing cold AC room for long hours and yet not drinking enough of water, the more the grow. They had already attained resistance to my acne cream, cleanser and every single thing I apply on my face to eradicate all of them. OMG, I am seriously worry about my face! Pimple please please go away k? I know you guys wanna let me know I am stress and I need more sleep. I got the message now, just leave me alone k? I Don't Love You!

But seriously, my life had been turning upside down this semester, going all around and not sleeping until 3 am. Earliest time I slept since the Sem starts is 2 am, and that's when I am in m house in Subang. LMAO. The library used to be my second home but now, there is no more second home for me~ If I am forced to say 1, I would say SA - Mr. Gerard's office, counseling department... Anyway, need to experience some crazy uni life here. ^^

Had been getting lectures from parents which really made me stressed out. I just hope they could be a bit more supportive, not sarcastic. Well, hope I can prove to them that what they think about my lifestyle are so wrong. ^^

Realised something...

Jealousy rises when you can't achieve the exact same thing like what others did.

And yes, this is such a common sense. But who will actually admit that:

He/She can but I cannot. He/She is good.

And how many people know the answer to this question:

Does it help you to attain that something, by just jealousy?

There are many answers to this question though. 1 might say yes, other might say no. Actually its yes and no. =p

If it became a motivation for you to go from good to better, just like what others achieved, then its a healthy jealousy.

If it makes you think of how to make that someone fall without improving yourself, then... Fool, you are wasting your time!

Another thing is, sometimes, jealousy in a relationship does not mean you do not trust your another half, its just you do not trust yourself that you can actually be as good as the person you are jealous of. In other way, you actually admire your competitor.

But seriously, if the person really love you, he should love you for who you are. Why worry that the some1 he is close with will take him away? If that really happens, meaning, he is not worth your love and your competitor is not really that great for you to be jealous of her.

Last question:

Is it better to live an imperfect lifestyle than to imitate others' lifestyle perfectly?

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